- Warranty
- 1 days
**Cracking Pack - Tutorial V0.4**
- **Config Making (OpenBullet - SilverBullet)**
- *The Config Guide.pdf*
- *How to Make Bypassed reCAPTCHA v2 OpenBullet Config.rar*
- **Cracking**
- *How to Crack Any Account with OpenBullet.txt*
- *How to Get Fresh Live Proxies for Cracking HQ Method.txt*
- **Dorking/Dumping Combos (HARD)**
- *How to Create Your Own Combos Using SQLI Dumper HQ Guide.pdf*
- *How to Make HQ Dorks PVT Tutorial.txt*
- **Introduction (Skip this if you have experience with cracking)**
- *What is Cracking.txt*
- **Other**
- *RDP Cracking (Learn easy things before this)*
- *RDP Cracking.txt*
- **Proxies**
- *How to Get Paid Proxy for Free 2024.txt*
- **Selling**
- *How to Make Money from Cracking.txt*
- **Important**
- *READ THIS.txt*
**Cracking RDP VPS**
- **RDP VPS Cracking**
**Cracking Tutorial 3.0**
- **Advanced Configs Tutorials**
- *3 Paid Akamai Bypass Methods.txt*
- *Basics of OB Configs.txt*
- *Detailed Leak to Make OB Config.txt*
- *HitStealer Detection.txt*
- *HitStealer Example.jpg*
- *How to Make Basic Config for OpenBullet.txt*
- *How to Make Basic Configs in OpenBullet.mp4*
- *How to Make OB Config Easy.txt*
- *OpenBullet Config Tutorial.mp4*
- *Protocol-Buffer-Decryptor-Master.zip*
- *reCAPTCHA-Bypass.rar*
- **Beginner**
- *4 Things to Do in Cracking, Super Basic.txt*
- *All-In-One Cracking Guide.pdf*
- *Bare Basics About Cracking, Complete Noob Friendly.txt*
- *Cracking 101 (Must Read).txt*
- *Cracking AIO (All-In-One) Guide.txt*
- *Cracking Guide.pdf*
- *Cracking Guide for Newbies Only.txt*
- *Cracking Tutorial 2024, Detailed Information.txt*
- *F.A.Q. About Cracking.txt*
- *How to Crack Account Using a Bin.txt*
- *How to Stay Anonymous and Not Get Arrested While Cracking.txt*
- *How to Make Money off Cracking.pdf*
- *RappaNow's Cracking E-Book.pdf*
- *Start Cracking Accounts TODAY!!.txt*
- *The Cracking Guide.pdf*
- *What is Combo.txt*
- *What is Config.txt*
- **Checkers & Config**
- Checkers & Bruters
- Combo Editors & Password Tools
- Configs
- Dorks & Keywords
- OpenBullet & Dependencies
- Proxy Tools
- **Combos, Dorks & Keywords**
- Lots of videos and PDFs available
- **Config Making (OpenBullet, BlackBullet Storm)**
- **Hashes & Unhashing**
- **How to Use Storm & OB**
- **Other Stuff**
- **Proxies**